Diagnosing Autism

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Autism is a developmental disorder that has no established biological indicators. When it comes to diagnosing autism spectrum disorder, it is not always easy to do so, as there is no lab test for it. Because of this, doctors rely on both observing certain behaviors of a patient and listening to the concerns of loved ones through a series of observations and interviews. ASD has a wide range of symptoms, and there are several approaches that could be used in order to identify these symptoms. In this blog post, we will be discussing three different approaches to identifying autism known as DSM-5, SRS-2, and online tests. 

Starting with DSM-5, professionals like psychologists, psychiatrists, pediatricians, and speech pathologists use the Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th edition), also known as DSM-5 to check for autism spectrum disorder symptoms. When diagnosing autism through DSM-5, professionals base it on two areas known as “social-communication”, and “restricted, repetitive and/or sensory behaviors or interests”. With that being said, in order to be diagnosed with ASD, an individual must have difficulty in both these areas and have such characteristics from early childhood.

Moving forward, SRS-2, also known as the Social Responsiveness Scale (2nd edition), measures the social ability of individuals from 2 years, 5 months to 18 years olds. This scale is primarily used with those on the spectrum, individuals with social impairment, and family members/ loved ones of those on the spectrum. Conducted by a teacher or parent, the format of SRS-2 is a questionnaire of 65 items on a 4-point Likert scale, with a series of questions reflecting the severity of social deficits. It is imperative for this questionnaire to be given and interpreted by one who has adequate expertise regarding ASD treatment and/or the use of psychological assessments. To go more in-depth, the SRS-2 provides a continuous measure of social ability (scaled from impaired to above average depending on the level of functionality), with higher scores being associated with more severe social impairments. 

Online tests or online screening tools are not diagnostic tools, however, they may assist an individual when it comes to determining whether or not it is necessary for them to speak to a professional regarding ASD in order to seek further help. Although it may not be possible to obtain a definitive autism diagnosis without the association of a professional, it is possible to become aware of certain behaviors and symptoms through the use of online tests. Similar to SRS-2, online tests can be conducted through a series of questions on an online questionnaire from reputable, official organizations. It is crucial to be mindful while taking these online tests that their mere point is to identify red flags for autism, and has huge possibilities of giving inaccurate information. If you are an adult with wonders of whether you face challenges as a result of autism, several organizations have developed online tests in order to determine whether you can be on the spectrum including: The Adult Repetitive Behavior Questionnaire (RBQ-2) and The Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ).


Online Tests for Autism

DSM-5: autism spectrum disorder diagnosis

What Tests Are Done to Diagnose Autism?


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