How Does Modern Technology Benefit Autism?

There is no doubt that technology has completely transformed our world, as it comes with plenty of aspects that benefit the efficiency of the human race on a day-to-day basis. People with autism spectrum disorder tend to enjoy being engaged when getting to interact with technology such as tablets, computers, and more in a safe environment. New technologies have sprung opportunities for individuals with autism underneath a classroom and working environment, as it has created open doors for full inclusion into aspects of society. 

With the help of what is known as assistive technology, there are now pathways for the improvement of critical skills, and so much more underneath a working environment. Assistive technology is usually divided into three groups known as low-tech, mid-tech, and high-tech, all depending on the strengths and weaknesses of the individuals with autism.

 Assistive technology can help many different aspects of life for autistic people including basic communication, reading/writing, managing sensory challenges, telling time/schedule management, social skills, and more.

An example of assistive technology would be the “type and talk” device which is a tool that comes in handy for those with speech disabilities. This tool helps them to express what they are trying to say with no hesitation with the help of DynaWrite. This tool comes into use when trying to communicate with peers under a workspace, and even family and friends. It even helps individuals underneath social environments with being able to have an input into a conversation.

Overall, technology will only better over time, and there are so many open possibilities for the improvements of assistive technologies that will, even more, benefit individuals with autism. With the help of assistive technologies, autistic people of all ages are benefited in ways of promoting independence, expanding communication, increasing social interactions, and much more!


Know Your Rights to Access Assistive Technology

Assistive Technology for Autism


Social Skills


Viewing Autism In A Positive Light