Viewing Autism In A Positive Light

Autism spectrum disorder is a lifelong disorder that can affect many factors of one’s life. There are a plethora of misconceptions when thinking of autism, as the spectrum is often met with negative stereotypes such as being anti-social or emotionless.  Although to many people it is seen in such a negative light, it is imperative to understand that autism has its positive characteristics and upsides.  

Those with autism, have traits that are so unique and rare, that they do not exist among individuals who are considered to be neurotypical. They are known to possess abilities that are so extraordinary, and even continue to function at such high levels. Because of this, individuals with autism perceive their surroundings and this world differently, as they process information in unique ways. As a result, autistic people are both creative and independent thinkers.

Moreover, individuals with autism live a life without a care of social expectations, as they continue to simply live in the moment. To many neurotypical people, it is known how difficult it could sometimes be to stay true to yourself when constantly worrying to fit in with those who surround you. To those with autism, such things are usually of uninterest to them as they do not fear those who roll their eyes of judgment, and continue staying true to themselves and what makes them happy.

Overall, individuals with autism live an honest life, free of telling lies, and full of staying true to who they are as a person. They are less materialistic with fewer concerns of being prestigious and having status, and instead, live life to its fullest. Autistic individuals are passionate, and overall such kind individuals who perceive the world in such unique manners. 


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