Why Is The Prevalence of Autism Greater In Western Society?

The prevalence of autism in the United States has begun to arise in a steady pace since the year 2000 when researchers first started tracking this comorbid disease. The rise in rates in western society may spark fears of an autism “epidemic” but the solid truth is that this increase stems from a more profound growing awareness of autism and changes in the diagnostic area.

For many years, the relevance of culture was ignored. Until the 1980s, many people with autism were institutionalized, with being seen as a terrible disease, making them effectively invisible. As western culture has begun to develop, and urban centers are starting to bloom, good access to medical care is common in western areas, leading to boosts in the likelihood of diagnosis.

On the contrary, less developed countries may face issues of lack of physicians which is a huge reason why people are not being diagnosed with autism. This proves that awareness and changing criteria account for a huge bulk of the rise in autism prevalence. With that being said, it is critical for the human race as a whole to shine more light on the importance of autism awareness, so the proper tools can be given to treating individuals on the spectrum all across the globe.


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